視覺情報 (Ocular Sounds : Visual Intelligence) 是由吉豐重工團隊所主導,以新科技融合視覺、電音、電玩、影像而成的新媒體視覺派對。
OS:VI (Ocular Sounds : Visual Intelligence) is an interdisciplinary art project founded by Guerrilla-Group (GFIRMG). Presenting a continuum of noise, visuals, identity, and future technologies, OSVI narrates GFIRMG's vision into a multi-sensory experience.
THEME / 主題
“在遙遠的未來,人們所生存的空間發生了巨大的環境變化,黑暗的都市與失序的政府,伴隨著無盡的雨聲,呼應著人類被衝突、混亂、失序所淹沒而產生的永無止盡循環...”。吉豐重工秋冬系列以「Endless Rain 无尽之雨」作命名,靈感來自於經典亞洲犯罪電影以及八零年代的反烏托邦電影,包括如《黑雨》、《無間道》、《英雄本色》、《龍族戰神》、《極光追殺令》等。
將吉豐 19FW "無盡之雨" 的亞洲科幻都市作為靈感,虛擬藝術家 Teom Chen 運用製作 PUBG、戰爭機器四的遊戲引擎 Unreal 建構出數個 3D 遊戲空間,除了將吉豐重工的「無盡之雨」世界觀具像化外,並會透過現場 270 度 4K 環繞投影,以即興演出的方式將遊戲畫面與現場作互動。
此外,本次音樂部分由 Louis Vuitton 御用的日本鬼才 DJ Mars89 以及英國 XL Recording 旗下的音樂製作人 Gila 搭配,將會以兩種截然不同的音樂角度去鋪展其心中的亞洲科幻城市。透過 Funktion1 音響設備以及 3D 遊戲世界的都市與下水道,本次 OS : VI 視覺情報將會讓你沈浸在虛實交錯的吉豐世界觀中。
In the distant future, life on earth has changed dramatically. The endless rain of the murky metropolis, echoes the never-ending cycle of raw emotions submerged from human conflict, disarray and the shadows of uncertainty.
Drawing from 80s and 90s Asian crime cinema and dystopian films, simulation artist Teom Chen constructs a hallucinatory terrain weaved into the sonic landscape of sound artists GILA and Mars89 for 2019FW “Endless Rain”. The first premiere of OS:VI features world class sound system Funktion-One within a 270° visual projection space.
*ARTISTS / 藝術家
- 導演 / 遊戲設計師 / 模擬場景藝術家
Director / Game Designer / Simulation Artist
- PRESS : Radii / Nowness
- Teom Chen 善於使用 AAA 遊戲專用引擎虛幻 Unreal(PUBG 以及 Fornite 皆使用該引擎)作為現場演出的視覺空間架構工具。近年持續與中國電子音樂人 Howie Lee 聯手搭檔 Audio Visual 演出,並於去年受邀至倫敦指標性表演藝術中心 Southbank Centre 展演。由 Teom 精心慎密的視覺概念中可窺探出他的哲學訓練以及導演背景,常以譏諷式的角度模擬出其對當下與未來現實的質疑,也就是 Simulacra。隨著遊戲引擎的運用,Teom 推升了 VJ 演出在於視覺上的層次,引領觀眾走入他所建構的即時三維空間。
- Teom is a multimedia performance artist VJing through notable AAA game engine Unreal also used for AAA titles such as PUBG and Fortnite. In the his past remarkable works include audiovisual collaborations with Howie Lee that have been featured at the Southbank Centre in London. Teom’s work often lends from his background in philosophy and video directing, carefully crafting a sarcastic environment that questions the nature of our current and future reality—the Simulacra. By using game engine technology, Teom evolves the nature of VJing into a live and immersive 3D space.
- DJ / 聲音設計 / 製作人
DJ / Sound Designer / Producer
- Press: i-D Japan / FactMag / Resident Advisor / Noisey China / Boomkat / Cave Records
- Mars89 不僅只是新東京銳舞場景的一員,除了在英國 Dubstep 發源地布里斯托的重點電台 Noods Radio 製作音樂節目外,也在當地先鋒實驗 / 工業 / dub 音樂廠牌 Bokeh Versions 名下發行了 8 軌 EP 和 12 吋黑膠。這兩年 Rural、EDC 和 Mixmag 等重點音樂節與媒體看上了他扭曲卻又難以定義的音樂風格,邀請他登台演出外,去年更被上海 Club All 與東京 WWWβ 聯辦的『上東』音樂人交換計劃選為首批音樂人。
Mars89 的音樂在時裝品牌中也掀起狂瀾,去年在 Amazon 東京時裝周為日本品牌 Growing Pains 的秀場製作配樂外,今年初被高橋盾親自邀約製作 Undercover 在巴黎時裝周的秀場音樂。在巴黎時裝周期間也與 Off-White / Louis Vuitton 的創意總監 Virgil Abloh 於新項目 “Global Club Night Series” 與 Thom Yorke、Zomby、Benji B一起演出。另一身份為視覺設計師的 Mars89 近期開始把自身對影像的熱愛展現在配樂上,製作了 Louis Vuitton AW19 的影像配樂以及 Vice Japan 為迷幻藝術教父田名網敬一所拍攝的紀錄片配樂。
- Tokyo-based Mars89 is not just an ascendent DJ and producer in Japan’s rave scene. As a resident DJ of Noods Radio, he’s been breaking the locality of Tokyo by releasing an 8-track EP and 12-inch vinyl from Bristol-based experimental dub label Bokeh Versions in past two years. His distorted yet indefinable selections soon urged iconic rural festival, EDC and Mixmag Tokyo to have him in the lineup, as well as Jyoto Exchange Programme launched by ALL Shanghai and WWWβ Tokyo.
This young talent also marked his milestones by making soundtracks for the Ready-To-Wear brand Growing Pains’ runway in Amazon Fashion Week Tokyo 2018S/S and UNDERCOVER’s runway in Paris Fashion Week 2019A/W. His name can be found on Virgil Abloh’s newly-curated “Global Club Night Series” in Paris alongside Thom Yorke, Zomby, and Benji B. Turning his passion for moving image into sounds, Mars89 recent notable works include commissioned scores for Louis Vuitton AW19 men’s collection and Vice’s documentary film of legendary Japanese pop artist Keiichi Tanaami.
- DJ / 聲音設計 / 製作人
DJ / Sound Designer / Producer
- Press : Fact Mix / Thump Vice / Fact Mag / Pigeons & Planes / Resident Advisor
- 來自美國丹佛的 Kyle Reid 的藝名 GILA 取用美國原生種毒蜥(gila monster)的俗名,此毒蜥行動緩慢、鱗片富有質地且具有致命危險,正如同 GILA 的音樂特質。
活躍於英國的 GILA 在蘇格蘭音樂廠牌 / 設計工作室 Lucky Me 每年年末推出的合輯 Advent2014 發行單曲後開始與同廠牌的 Hudson Mohawke 和 Rustie 巡演。隔年與 Kaytranada、Novelist 和 Mumdance 的音樂共同收錄在倫敦 XL Recordings 的 Chapter VI 合輯,爾後更在 XL 下首發個人 EP "Genkidama"。2017 年是 GILA的 音樂生涯第一個高峰,當代電子音樂指標性節目 BBC Radio 1 的主持人 Benji B 在節目中多次放送"Pick Six"後,Benji B 隨即在自己的廠牌Deviation 中發行"Pick Six"EP。NTS 電台和 Boiler Room 也可一窺他的蹤跡。目前除了創立個人廠牌 Hunnanban Inc. 外,也被簽入倫敦廠牌 Lex Records 底下,繼續注射他的原始毒液到歐洲大陸各地。
- Originally from Denver, Colorado, GILA, is named for the Gila Monster, the only venomous lizard native to the United States. Often slow, full of texture, and deadly, the gila monster possesses many of the same qualities in GILA's music.
He released a solo track on Glasgow institution Lucky Me’s Advent compilation, and shared stages with fellow Lucky Me alumni Hudson Mohawke and Rustie. 2015 found him contributing to XL Recordings’ Chapter VI compilation, which also featured tracks from Kaytranada, Novelist and Mumdance. This was followed by XL releasing his debut solo EP ‘Genkidama’ in 2016. By this time influential BBC Radio 1 DJ Benji B had begun spinning GILA’s track ‘Pick Six’, and further showed his love by releasing the ‘Pick Six’ EP on his nascent Deviation label in 2017. The following year GILA launched his own label, Hunnaban Inc., with the ‘Shedskin Pt. .33’ 12"’. Now signed to London’s Lex Records, GILA continues to grow and expand his repertoire.
UGLY HALF 酉鬼啤酒是位於新北市五股區的一間小型精釀酒廠,以釀造出富有個性、品質絕佳的啤酒為目標。我們相信酒液是承載靈魂的容器,而我們都是賦予生命的匠人。
UGLY HALF 相信喝啤酒是一件很快樂、自在的事!
Funnelling a world of (craft) beer through a cheeky Taiwan filter.
Ugly Half is a small brewery in Wugu, New Taipei City. We are all about creating exciting, flavourful beers of exceptional quality – each with their own distinct personality. We also believe that a great beer experience is about much more than just what’s inside the bottle.
A little team of curious people, we have lived all over the world. Taiwan has something special; a unique vibrancy and patina that keeps bringing us back. We’re making our beer to feel unique and special in the same way.
We’re inspired by the craft beer movements in our other homes of New Zealand & the U.S. This new wave of beer is so delicious, versatile and creative it has become a platform to building a rich and wonderful culture that branches out into art, design, music, food, charity, and whatever else you can think of. We think Taiwan has all the right bits to build a craft beer culture that rivals anywhere else in the world.
NOTICE / 注意事項
- 根據文化部訂定『藝文表演票券定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項』第六項「退、換票機制」之規定共有四種方案之退換票規定,本節目採用方案二:消費者請求退換票之時限為購買票券後 3 日內(不含購票日),購買票券後第4日起不接受退換票申請,請求退換票日期以收到 EMAIL 時間為準,退票需酌收票面金額 5% 手續費,範例如下:Ex: 2019/10/19購買,退票截止日為2019/10/22(含),2019/10/23(含)起的郵件寄出日退票不再受理
- 為維護表演品質,場內禁止使用閃光。活動內所拍攝之影片和照片紀錄僅供個人用途,任何商業用途請先聯絡主辦方。
- 活動內嚴禁毒品、吸菸和攜帶任何公共危險物品。主辦方有權拒絕違反此條款的觀眾入場並不給予退票。
- 會場未開放停車,請搭乘大眾運輸工具前往。
- 演出藝人、團體如有變更、取消等不可預測之變動,恕不接受退票。
- 歡迎自備飲料,垃圾請丟入場內提供的台北市專用垃圾袋。
- 場內設備裝置如有毀損需照價賠償;場內鬧事不接受工作人員勸導者將加以驅離並不予退票。
- 主辦單位有權保留一切活動內容變更。
- 購票視為同意以上所有條例。
- According to the second ticket return plan of Laws & Regulations of “Ministry of Culture”, tickets are refundable with 5% return handling fee within 3 days after purchase ONLY. Please send your request of refund by E-mail. Ex: Tickets purchased on 2019/10/19 must be applied to refund to KKTIX before 2019/10/23. Requests for refund made on and after 2019/10/23 will NOT be accepted.
- Flash photography is strictly prohibited. Photos and videos taken during the event cannot be commercially used without any granted permission.
- The event has zero-tolerance drug, smoking and public hazardous materials policy. The venue and host reserves the right to refuse admission with no refund.
- The venue has no parking space for public. Please take the public transportation to the venue.
- Ticket is non-refundable under any circumstance. Artists and attractions included in the event may be subjected to change without any notice.
- BYOB is welcome. Please bin the trash into the designated bin bags provided in the venue.
- Vandalism is prohibited. Anyone who causes damage on site will pay the full price of anything damaged.
- The organizer has the right to reserve any change.
- By entering the venue, visitors agree to comply with and be bound by the rules above.